My Brand Spanking New Web Page Thingy!!

About Me
Contact Me

My dino bud greets you.
Caffiene makes him happy!

I have tried and tried to get my original page working and the damn thing just wouldn't take, so now, I present to you my new web page. Oh, it still contains the original great taste, and maybe a new seasoning or two, but you get to see something allllll brand new.
And if you're good, maybe I'll tell you where the Royal Canadian Snow Police had me hidden before I escaped.

On this home page, I'll introduce myself and talk about my reasons for wanting a web site. I might put a picture of myself on this page...or just a picture that I especially like.

This is the list for my archives.

And this is Brian's site. Careful, he's weirrrrrrd!

What's New?

Updates soon!

People shouting at the world over megaphones; Size=240 pixels wide

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.